We Love Our Community
The family at Kelowna Toyota loves to give back to our local community. Strong community values and ties are at the heart of our business. If you are interested in joining or want to help us take action to help aid others in the various charitable events that we hold then we invite you to join. The following are our fundraiser events that the Kelowna Toyota family participates in throughout the year.
Charity Events
Million Since 2016
Here’s A Few Charities We’ve Built Lasting Relationships With

Cops for Kids Riders
Kelowna Toyota was excited to be a part of Cops for Kids Riders’ 2020 Virtual Ride that commemorated 20 years of supporting kids in crisis, where over $10,000 was raised! Cops for Kids Riders rode stationary bikes to raise money for a great cause – bringing families together when they have a sick child in care at hospitals, both local and in great distances. Cops for Kids has used these funds to purchase necessary items such as, specialized trikes, wheelchairs, lifts for vans, walkers, special learning tools, surgeries, hearing devices, counseling, and so much more! We could not have done it without our local businesses, amazing communities, proud sponsors, and the work of our community as a whole!

East Meets West Children’s Foundation
East Meets West Children’s Foundation is an organization that seeks to improve the lives of abandoned children. Kelowna Toyota is proud to have supported this organization for the past 3 years, and we look forward to continuing to contribute to such an impactful organization in the future.

Kelowna YMCA
Kelowna Toyota is proud to have supported the YMCA’s swim lesson program for grade 3 students here in Kelowna. This is in support of the Across The Lake Swim – which has been running annually for over 70 years!

Canuck’s Trainer For A Day Program
This is Hudson. Hudson is a Kelowna local who was able to participate in the Canuck’s Trainer For A Day Program sponsored by Toyota. Way to go Hudson!

Team Telemark Racing
Team Telemark is a Kelowna based telemark ski and racing team. With programs for all ages ranging from youth to adults. The team trains year-round for ski races and encourages newcomers from all activities and backgrounds to enjoy the sport of skiing. We at Kelowna Toyota love to encourage sport, especially local sport in Kelowna.

Mamas for Mamas
Mamas for Mamas is a national charitable organization that supports mothers in crisis, and provides ongoing support to low income Mamas and their kids. Their mission is to change the landscape of poverty through innovative approaches to financial barriers faced by struggling families; we envision a future where no Mama or child is left behind. The most recent statistics from Statistics Canada (2014) paint a stark picture: 1 in 5 BC children are poor. Fifty percent of BC children being raised by single parents are poor and single mothers are going hungry to feed their children (BC Child Poverty Report Card, 2016). Mamas for Mama’s are actively engaged with the development of a poverty reduction plan with representatives of Kelowna, The Central Okanagan and the province of BC. With the ongoing support of our community, we can change these heartbreaking statistics and ultimately start to change the landscape of poverty in our home communities

Western Canadian Championships
Kelowna Toyota is a proud sponsor of 2019 Western Canadian Ski Championships February 8-10, 2019. Given Telemark Nordic Ski Club’s central location it is anticipated that we will play host to over 500 of the most competitive cross country skiers, and their coaches, from Canada and the Western United States. This FIS and CCC sanctioned event will be held over three action packed days of racing and consist of three race events. The event brig athletes and coaches together from across North America.

Food Bank Fundraiser
Every year, the Kelowna Toyota family organizes a fill up our truck, style fundraiser to raise cash and food donations for the Central Okanagan Food Bank. Along with cash donations and food Kelowna Toyota matched individual cash donations up to $100 per individual donation. The fundraiser took place at the West Kelowna Save on Foods, and the amount raised for 2018 was $2,500 in Donations.

Canadian Cancer Society Drive-Pink Fundraiser
Drive Pink is a cause marketing partnership between the Canadian Cancer Society, car dealerships and the automotive industry in BC. Through this program, car dealerships and businesses are showing their support for women affected by breast cancer during the month of October. Driven by an aging and growing population, the number of cancer cases in Canada is expected rise by 35% between now and 2030. Money raised through Drive Pink funds Canada’s most promising breast cancer research, education about screening and support services for women living with the disease.

BC SPCA Fundraiser
The mission of the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BC SPCA) is to protect and enhance the quality of life for domestic, farm and wild animals in British Columbia. The BC SPCA is the only animal welfare organization in B.C. with the authority to enforce animal cruelty laws under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (PCA Act). We are the largest animal welfare organization of our kind in North America and the largest animal sheltering society in the world. We have 44 locations across B.C.

JoeAnna’s House (Kelowna General Hospital) Fundraiser
Every year, thousands of families travel to Kelowna in order for a family member to receive life-saving care at Kelowna General Hospital. Now, at any given time, one in four beds at KGH is occupied by a patient from outside the central Okanagan. Keeping families together during these very difficult times is a matter of growing concern. Which is why, on October 4, 2017, the KGH Foundation announced our campaign to raise $8 million to build and operate JoeAnna’s House, a home away from home for families travelling for care at KGH.

Motionball 2018
The Marathon of Sort is a fun-filled day of athletic competition where participants teamed up with local Special Olympics BC athletes and together, they competed in a variety of sports & activities including soccer, basketball, ultimate, benchball, beach volleyball and so much more!motionball was proud to donate 70% of the funds raised from this event to Special Olympics British Columbia. This funding is directed to support programs for local athletes in the community. 25% is directed to the Special Olympics Canada Foundation, whose mission is to ensure the long-term financial integrity of the Special Olympics movement in Canada and to fund long term athlete and volunteer growth. The remaining 5% will help grow the #NoGoodWay Campaign aiming to end the use of the R-word (retard) in everyday conversation. We’re encouraging Canadians to make the choice to eliminate the R-word from their vocabulary and empower them to take #NoGoodWay to their circles of influence

Okanagan Dream Rally
With the Okanagan Dream Rally, we hope to provide special children and their families with an incredibly fun-filled experience of being in the co-pilot seat of a dream car for a day. In addition, providing opportunities for our community, public figures, and businesses to support a good cause and make a difference locally in their community. Our mission with the Okanagan Dream Rally is simple. We want to put a smile on the face of a child in need and provide them with a day that they will never forget. With the help of incredible drivers, sponsors, and those donating towards this event, we are able to raise funds for causes that have a profound impact in our community.

Paws It Forward Fundraiser
Paws It Forward is driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all animals. We strive to build relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits. Every dog deserves a chance to have a better life. Every dog deserves to be treated humanely. It doesn’t matter where they come from, what breed they are, or what size they may be. We are their voice.